IV Vitamin Therapy for Chronic Headache & Migraine Relief

Headaches got you down? You’re not alone. An estimated 75% of adults experience at least one headache per year. In fact, headaches are so common that the concept of a “headache” has taken on many different interpretations from describing frustrating situations to chastising bothersome people.

Are Migraines and Headaches Related to Systemic Imbalance?

It’s due to this normalization of headaches that many people suffer in silence. Rather than seeking out medical intervention, they falsely assume that headaches are just a normal part of getting older. This is problematic, as constant headaches are often the manifestation of a systemic imbalance that left untreated can lead to poor health outcomes down the road.

Health issues linked to headaches include hormonal imbalances, stress, metabolic disorders, lack of sleep, and even side effects of certain medications. In addition, migraine headaches can also stem from alcohol consumption, neck pain, smoking, fragrances and perfumes, foods high in aspartame, and even environmental exposures and food allergies.

IV Therapy & Vitamin Injections for Headache & Migraine Relief

Regardless of the trigger, there are a few ways we can address systemic imbalances and the headaches they cause. At Spark Health, we focus on restoring balance through intravenous therapy and vitamin injections that support the body in managing the severity and frequency of headaches. Keep reading to learn about the vitamins and minerals we use and how they work to alleviate headaches.

Vitamin Deficiencies & Migraines

B vitamins have long been studied for their role in the prevention of headaches, particularly migraines. Because they ensure that cellular functions like metabolism and mitosis are running smoothly, a deficiency in any of B vitamins can lead to fatigue, weakness, and – yep, you guessed it – headaches.

  • Vitamin B2: A very important member of the B vitamin family, riboflavin (vitamin B2), aids in the process of breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into energy. Supplementation of vitamin B2 has been associated with a reduction in the frequency of migraine attacks as well as a decrease in the use of medications that are typically given to help address migraine symptoms.

  • Vitamin B3: Niacin (vitamin B3) is a strong vasodilator, meaning it dilates blood vessels to allow more oxygen and nutrients to enter the body, especially the brain. This can help relieve and prevent future migraines. Conversely, if too much niacin is taken, it could cause flushing, redness and also headaches, so dosing is important!

  • Vitamin B5: Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) is commonly deficient in patients who suffer from migraines. This vitamin helps your body process nutrients such as fats carbohydrates, and proteins, and protects our nerves (our brain has the most!). It also assists the body in wound healing so if you suffer a stroke or have damage to your brain, it can support your recovery. 

  • Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) helps our brain produce serotonin, which can help with mood and sleep. It also helps improve blood flow in the brain, as well as support the cells surrounding the vessels. Plus, it can help relieve nausea, a common symptom that goes hand in hand with chronic headaches.

  • Vitamin B9 & B12: The final members of the migraine busting dream team are folate (vitamin B9) and methylcobalamin (vitamin B12). Folate helps us detox metabolites such as homocysteine, which is found in high levels in people who suffer from migraines. Methylcobalamin helps protect against anemia, provides energy, supports our nervous system (especially the brain), and aids in DNA repair. Again, just like other B vitamins, too much can contribute to headaches, so it is important to monitor your levels.

Mineral Deficiencies & Migraines

  1. Magnesium has a long history of effective use in migraine prevention. Low levels of magnesium have been detected in those suffering from a variety of headache types, which is why supplementation of magnesium has been shown to be effective as an inexpensive acute treatment option for headaches and migraines, particularly when administered intravenously to those with low magnesium levels in their blood. It is important to be aware of which types of magnesium you are taking, as each kind is used to address various health concerns. 

  2. Glycine is an amino acid that functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain and spinal cord and has a calming effect on our brain. It stimulates the production of serotonin, which elevates mood, improves sleep, and enhances cognitive function. Typically, we will combine glycine with magnesium if the patient suffers from sleep issues due to headaches. Glycine is not to be taken if you are on anti-psychotic medications, such as Clozaril, as it may decrease the effectiveness of the medication.

Must Read: 9 Health Benefits of Magnesium

How IV Therapy & Vitamin Injections Help

At Spark Health, we boost vitamin and mineral levels in one of two ways – through IV therapy in which vitamins and minerals are delivered directly into the bloodstream by way of an intravenous drip, and through intramuscular injections in which the nutrients are delivered via a needle into the glute muscle for rapid absorption.

Intravenous nutrient therapies contain higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals, which can be helpful for patients who suffer from chronic headaches and the effects will usually last a week or more. This is also helpful if there are multiple nutrient deficiencies. Vitamin injections are used more for acute headache flares. Injections will typically last a few days while intravenous therapies will last about one to two weeks. 

When it comes to the frequency of IV nutrient therapy or injections, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Primarily, it depends on how your body responds. After receiving treatment, patients should note any fluctuations in symptoms and how long they last. On average, our patients visit us every three to seven days for injections and every one to two weeks for IV therapy until symptoms begin to improve. 

Watch Now Migraines and Headaches Treatment at Spark Health


At Spark Health, we are on a mission to flip the script on headaches. It’s all too common for patients to suffer in silence for years before seeking treatment. If you are living with chronic headaches, there is no time like the present to book a consultation with one of our naturopathic doctors for a personalized assessment and treatment plan. Located in Solana Beach in San Diego County, CA, Spark Health takes a collaborative approach to natural medicine, partnering with patients to help them achieve their unique health and wellness goals. Contact us to schedule a consultation today!


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