Restore Mobility and Maintain Healthy Joints

What is Joint Pain?

Joint pain can be due to a number of different issues and conditions, and the most common problems that we see are the result of injuries, joint wear and tear and systemic inflammatory issues.

Causes, Signs & Symptoms

Sports injuries, both acute and chronic, are a common cause of joint pain. Many patients have long term side effects from old injuries that may not have been treated or healed properly at the time of injury. We see this commonly in the shoulders and knees, with pain localized in the injured joint.

Degenerative joint disease, also called osteoarthritis, is caused by repetitive motion that causes structural damage to the joint by breaking down cartilage that cushions the joint. Pain is often accompanied by stiffness, swelling and limited range of motion.

Inflammatory arthritis typically presents in multiple joints on both sides of the body, and commonly affects the hands, shoulders, neck, back, hips, knees and ankles. Arthritis often has a genetic or familial component, and is driven by an increase in inflammatory molecules and proteins. Stiffness and swelling are common, along with decreased range of motion and flexibility.

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How is Joint Pain Diagnosed?

Physical exams, blood work and imaging are all important diagnostic tools to differentiate and understand the cause of joint pain. Many of the symptoms that accompany joint pain are similar in both degenerative joint disease and inflammatory arthritis, and it can be difficult to differentiate the cause of pain, especially in the early stages.
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How is Joint Pain Treated?

Your doctors at Spark Health use a multidimensional approach to treating joint pain. We offer supportive services, like acupuncture and chiropractic, to help with acute pain, and functional movement and exercise to support strengthening the muscles and tissues surrounding the damaged joint. Regenerative joint injections are a non-surgical option to facilitate the repair of damaged tissue and restore tendons, ligaments and cartilage to improve joint mobility and function.

Why Choose Spark Health?

Spark Health was founded to provide personalized natural medicine to patients who are looking for a long term, lasting solution to their health and wellness challenges. We work as a team to understand your health goals, formulate a unique, individualized treatment plan for our patients in San Diego and Southern California.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some common causes of joint pain include wear and tear, autoimmune deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, strains, sprains. The most common causes of pain in joints are:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Gout
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Sports Injuries

Spark Health use a multidimensional approach to treating joint pain. We offer supportive services, like acupuncture and chiropractic, to help with acute pain, and functional movement and exercise to support strengthening the muscles and tissues surrounding the damaged joint.

Regenerative joint injections are a non-surgical option to facilitate the repair of damaged tissue and restore tendons, ligaments and cartilage to improve joint mobility and function.

Knee pain is the most common symptom of osteoarthritis in the knee, making it painful to jog, run, climb stairs or kneel. Stiff or swollen knees are common.

Living with knee OA is possible using regenerative medicine approaches. Some severe conditions may require surgery, however. Patients can often avoid surgery with regenerative medicine and activity modification.

Yes! Many studies have proven that Regenerative Medicine works even better in the long term than steroid injections or NSAIDS for severe arthritis in knee.

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